Conduct a Deeper Analysis of Your Customers' Experience

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J.D. Power Deep Dive Research Program

Not enough sample to be ranked in syndicated studies but want more customers surveyed in order to conduct a deeper analysis of your customers’ experience?

The J.D. Power Deep Dive Research Program is an enhancement to our syndicated studies that allows your company to field additional surveys using sample that is provided by your company. This program leverages  J.D. Power’s established benchmarks, as well as our refined survey/research methodology, may yield more completed surveys than the normal fielding of the syndicated study. The result is deeper, more valuable data on your company’s performance vs. competitors using the J.D. Power Index and Key Performance Indicators methodology

Optional enhancements are available to the Program at an additional cost and may include:

The addition of up to 5 clientsupplied questions can be added to the standard survey questionnaire

Expanded deployment that includes two waves of the survey deployed by J.D. Power or the client, up to three reminders, and English or Spanish language

Incentive for survey completion (the incentive type and amount to be approved by both J.D. Power and the client)

How It Works:

The standard Deep Dive Research Program includes:


Use of the J.D. Power’s syndicated study Index Model and standard survey questionnaire with the addition of five custom questions added to the syndicated questionnaire to solve for specific issues


Standard deployment of the survey which includes client deployment of one wave of the survey with up to two reminders (standard deployment in English only)


Data is captured and analyzed by J.D. Power experts who will compare results against syndicated findings and produce an executive read out of  key results 

Program Deliverables

Clients receive a license for the associated J.D. Power syndicated study and access to that study’s data and deliverables as well as:

  • Executive presentation during which J.D. Power experts will meet with your team to evaluate the results of your deep dive study and help your company identify areas for action and improvement
  • Observations and insights based on the results of the deep dive
  • Use of J.D. Power benchmarking syndicated study questionnaire with up to 5 custom questions
  • Respondent-level data file allowing you to explore your results and dig deeper into your customers’ feedback
  • Client-specific scorecard showing where you stand on impactful areas within the Study 

Review in-depth customer experience feedback

Anticipate changes to the customer experience

Understand precisely which customers completed the oversample survey and how customers’ recent experiences impact satisfaction

Understand the needs of customers across your organization through deep-dive analysis of customer segments, regional performance if relevant, product, service and channel

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