Align with customer expectations
Our solutions provide clients with the insight and business tools to ensure that strategies, business practices, and performance improvement initiatives are aligned with customer expectations. Provide leadership training, management workshops, and field staff training to help your team align their efforts with customer-centric principles.
Automotive retail consulting solutions include:
Sales Rejecter Research
Delivers a proprietary study that details why shoppers leave or reject dealership showrooms in favor of other same-make showrooms or competitor brand showrooms when shopping for a new vehicle. This proprietary study provides tactical and insightful information to drive improvement in both retail sales and satisfaction improvement.
Service Defector Research
Delivers a proprietary study that helps to improve dealer profitability through increasing customer retention. It’s a quantitative tool that helps dealers and OEMs understand why service customers defect and where they go, how much they spend, how frequently they have their vehicle serviced, and the types of work they have performed.
Retail Consulting
Improve dealer performance by incorporating J.D. Power's in-dealership consulting programs. These programs effectively leverage syndicated sales and service best practices to improve the customer experience. J.D. Power retail consultants, who have a broad range of retail experience in improving customer satisfaction, provide the ability to analyze and address root-cause issues impacting dealer performance.

Used-Vehicle Consulting
Strengthen used-vehicle operations with an emphasis on CPO programs, allowing opportunity to focus on improving throughput, support used-vehicle pricing, and contain incentive costs. This multi-step consulting apporach includes dealer kickoff meetings, onsite assessments, employee interviews, action planning, and dealership sustainment visits.
Sales, Service, and Technology Consulting
J.D. Power works with clients to enhance the dealership experience through the design and execution of in-store consulting programs aimed at improving sales, service, and technology processes. Because we own the customer experience benchmarks, we understand the key processes automakers and dealers must implement to improve the customer experience. Our consultants have general manager, general sales manager, and parts and service director experience.
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